
Grateful Acknowledgment to Our Funding Agencies

The INDEPTH Network extends its sincere gratitude to the numerous funding agencies that support our organization. We receive both General Operating Support (GOS), also known as Core Support, and Project Grants from these generous entities.

Our Resource & Training Centre in Accra (formerly the Secretariat) ensures the prudent management of these funds, overseen by our Board of Trustees. We produce annual audited financial reports, which are shared with funders and published on our website. Every contribution, regardless of size, makes a significant impact, and we deeply appreciate the support from all our funders, both current and past.

We are particularly grateful for the core support from the Hewlett Foundation, Sida, and Wellcome Trust. Core-funding from Sida is instrumental in supporting capacity strengthening, scientific research and coordination, policy engagement, networking, and data management harmonization among our members. This support, within the scope of the EDCTP programme, enables our centres to efficiently publish and disseminate their findings to the scientific community and policymakers for rapid uptake and impact.

Grateful Acknowledgment to Our Funding Agencies

The INDEPTH Network extends its sincere gratitude to the numerous funding agencies that support our organization. We receive both General Operating Support (GOS), also known as Core Support, and Project Grants from these generous entities.

Our Resource & Training Centre in Accra (formerly the Secretariat) ensures the prudent management of these funds, overseen by our Board of Trustees. We produce annual audited financial reports, which are shared with funders and published on our website. Every contribution, regardless of size, makes a significant impact, and we deeply appreciate the support from all our funders, both current and past.

We are particularly grateful for the core support from the Hewlett Foundation, Sida, and Wellcome Trust. Core-funding from Sida is instrumental in supporting capacity strengthening, scientific research and coordination, policy engagement, networking, and data management harmonization among our members. This support, within the scope of the EDCTP programme, enables our centres to efficiently publish and disseminate their findings to the scientific community and policymakers for rapid uptake and impact.

  Please click on the logos to access the websites of the institutions.

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