
Working & Interest Groups: Driving Multi-Centre Research

INDEPTH actively utilises Strategic Groups/Working Groups/ Interest Groups dedicated to key issues of interest to the Network to act as generators and incubators for multi-centre research and development projects. Each  Group has a leader who is responsible for reporting on the group’s progress.

Working & Interest Groups: Driving Multi-Centre Research

INDEPTH actively utilises Strategic Groups/Working Groups/ Interest Groups dedicated to key issues of interest to the Network to act as generators and incubators for multi-centre research and development projects. Each  Group has a leader who is responsible for reporting on the group’s progress.

Working Groups

Working Groups are a critical vehicle through which the Network performs its scientific activities and addresses priority issues.

Working groups focus on specific research topics or projects or programmes that have been identified as of priority interest, and on which a number of member centres work collaboratively. Their members are drawn from full and associate members of INDEPTH, the Secretariat and the Scientific Advisory Committee. Partnerships with leading scientists or institutions elsewhere are also possible.

Working Group leaders must be senior enough to serve as Principal Investigators for multi-centre projects. Hence applications to serve as a Working Group leader must be approved by the Executive Director and endorsed by the Board.

Working Group leaders who are full-time staff at HDSS centres must have the support of their Centre Leaders.

Working Groups

Working Groups are a critical vehicle through which the Network performs its scientific activities and addresses priority issues.

Working groups focus on specific research topics or projects or programmes that have been identified as of priority interest, and on which a number of member centres work collaboratively. Their members are drawn from full and associate members of INDEPTH, the Secretariat and the Scientific Advisory Committee. Partnerships with leading scientists or institutions elsewhere are also possible.

Working Group leaders must be senior enough to serve as Principal Investigators for multi-centre projects. Hence applications to serve as a Working Group leader must be approved by the Executive Director and endorsed by the Board.

Working Group leaders who are full-time staff at HDSS centres must have the support of their Centre Leaders.

Interest Groups

INDEPTH encourages and supports groups of scientists interested in pursuing specific projects that could emerge as multi-centre projects. The leader is usually the person who has suggested the group to the Secretariat and he/she assumes responsibility for the effectiveness of the Group. Interest groups may be able to convince the INDEPTH Secretariat to be funded to a face-to-face meeting to develop a multi-centre grant proposal. Once the group has been able to win its first grant, it gets elevated to a Working Group status.

The distinction between INTEREST and WORKING GROUPs is to ensure that INDEPTH does not spend limited resources on a group which has not demonstrated clear signs of commitment to work together.

If you want to lead the formation of a new interest group, kindly contact the INDEPTH Secretariat

Interest Groups

INDEPTH encourages and supports groups of scientists interested in pursuing specific projects that could emerge as multi-centre projects. The leader is usually the person who has suggested the group to the Secretariat and he/she assumes responsibility for the effectiveness of the Group. Interest groups may be able to convince the INDEPTH Secretariat to be funded to a face-to-face meeting to develop a multi-centre grant proposal. Once the group has been able to win its first grant, it gets elevated to a Working Group status.

The distinction between INTEREST and WORKING GROUPs is to ensure that INDEPTH does not spend limited resources on a group which has not demonstrated clear signs of commitment to work together.

If you want to lead the formation of a new interest group, kindly contact the INDEPTH Secretariat

Interest Groups

Interest Groups

INDEPTH encourages and supports groups of scientists interested in pursuing specific projects that could emerge as multi-centre projects. The leader is usually the person who has suggested the group to the Secretariat and he/she assumes...
Working Groups

Working Groups

Working Groups are a critical vehicle through which the Network performs its scientific activities and addresses priority issues. Working groups focus on specific research topics or projects or programmes that have been identified as of......

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