


India, Population: 90 639 website KEM Hospital Research Centre (KEMHRC) Vadu Rural Health Program (VRHP) functions with a mission “to Provide evidence-based, sustainable and rational health care solutions for the rural population using globally relevant community-based ethical research” is a division…

Matlab HDSS

Bangladesh, Population: 225 000 website ICDDR,B Matlab HDSS was established in 1966, following a population census conducted by Cholera Research Laboratory. Since then, the Matlab HDSS has maintained the registration of births, deaths, and migrations, in addition to carrying out periodical…

Ballabgarh HDSS

India, Population: 90 240 Profile All India Institute of Medical Sciences The Ballabgarh Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS), also known as the Comprehensive Rural Health Services Project (CRHSP) Ballabgarh, is located in north India and was established in 1961 to…

Nyando HDSS

Kenya, Population: 182 000 Profile Kenya Medical Research Institute/CDC NYANDO HEALTH AND DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEILLANCE SITE (NHDSS) AHERO CLINICAL TRIALS UNIT, KISUMU-KENYALOCATION AND PROFILE The Nyando HDSS site is located in Nyando Sub- County, Kisumu County. The sub-county covers an area of…

Navrongo HDSS

Ghana, Population: 266 000 website NAVRONGO HEALTH AND DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEILLANCE SITE (NHDSS)NAVRONGO HEALTH RESEARCH CENTRE, GHANA The Navrongo Health and Demographic Surveillance System (NHDSS) site is located in the Kassena-Nankana District of the Upper East region of Ghana. The district covers…

Nanoro HDSS

Burkina Faso, Population: 66 508 website National institutes of medical research, IRSS, Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro (CRUN) MRC, Agogo, is located in Agogo within the Asante Akim North District of Ghana, MRC extends its reach tocover the Asante Akim Central…

Manhica HDSS

Mozambique, Population: 129 485 website MANHIÇA HEALTH AND DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEILLANCE SITE (MHDSS) MANHIÇA HEALTH RESEARCH CENTRE / MANHIÇA FOUNDATION The Manhic¸a Health Research Centre, established in 1996 in a rural area of southern Mozambique, currently follows around 92 000 individuals living…

Kombewa HDSS

Kenya, Population: 184 222 Profile KEMRI/Walter Reed Project The Kombewa Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) grew out of the Kombewa Clinical Research Centre in 2007 and has since established itself as a platform for the conduct of regulated clinical trials, nested studies…