The Nairobi Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance System (NUHDSS) cover a Demographic Surveillance Area (DSA) that straddles the two slums of Korogocho and Viwandani in Nairobi City, Kenya. The DSA covers a land area of about 1 square kilometre, with the two informal settlements being located about 3 kilometres from each other. Overall, the two slums exhibit some notable differences with Korogocho having a more settled population since many of the residents have resided here for many years. The population in Viwandani is mainly made up of males and is also better educated compared to that in Korogocho. Both sites are characterized by poor or lack of basic infrastructure such as roads, sanitation, and clean and affordable water. There are also notable low education levels, greater mobility and a higher sense of insecurity compared to non-slum areas.