Prof. Anna Mia Ekström
Karolinska University, Stockholm, Sweden
HIV/AIDS epidemiology and control
Prof. Anna Mia Ekström is a Clinical Professor in Infectious Disease Epidemiology, focusing on HIV (30% clinical work & 70% research) at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Karolinska University Hospital and the Department of Public Health, KI, Stockholm.
She holds a Clinical professorship in Infectious Disease Epidemiology, focusing on HIV, from KI & Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm; Clinical specialist in Infectious Diseases, Karolinska University Hospital and Associate professor of International Health, Department of Public Health, KI; a Master of Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA among others. In 2008, she was a Research group leader for “HIV/AIDS & Global Health”, Department of Public Health, KI.
She has about 80 scientific articles published or accepted for publication. Also, as a main applicant acquired 49,000,000 SEK in external research grants since 2006.
Anna is also an Expert advisor/reviewer for national and international stakeholders such as the Fredrika Bremer Association, Swedish Society of Medicine, Medical Research Council, Noaks Ark’s Foundation, Aids Accountability International, Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control, Migration Dept, WHO, the Stockholm Needle Exchange evaluation committee and the Swedish research Council.
Anna has 17 years of teaching experience and also a Board member of Doctors against AIDS and The Society of Medicine.