Resource Centre's Publications (91-98)
Resource Centre's Publications (91-98)

- Sankoh, OA and Binka, F, on behalf of the INDEPTH Network (2005). INDEPTH Network: Generating Empirical Population and Health Data in Resource-constrained Countries in the Developing World. In Becher H and Kouyate B (eds), Health Research in Developing Countries. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
- Streatfield PK, Khan WA, Bhuiya A, Hanifi SM, Alam N, Bagagnan CH, Sié A, Zabré P, Lankoandé B, Rossier C, Soura AB, Bonfoh B, Kone S, Ngoran EK, Utzinger J, Haile F, Melaku YA, Weldearegawi B, Gomez P, Jasseh M, Ansah P, Debpuur C, Oduro A, Wak G, Adjei A, Gyapong M, Sarpong D, Kant S, Misra P, Rai SK, Juvekar S, Lele P, Bauni E, Mochamah G, Ndila C, Williams TN, Laserson KF, Nyaguara A, Odhiambo FO, Phillips-Howard P, Ezeh A, Kyobutungi C, Oti S, Crampin A, Nyirenda M, Price A, Delaunay V, Diallo A, Douillot L, Sokhna C, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kahn K, Tollman SM, Herbst K, Mossong J, Chuc NT, Bangha M, Sankoh OA, Byass P. (2014). Adult non-communicable disease mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance
- SSankoh, OA and Binka, F, on behalf of the INDEPTH Network (2005). INDEPTH Network: Generating Empirical Population and Health Data in Resource-constrained Countries in the Developing World. In Becher H and Kouyate B (eds), Health Research in Developing Countries. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.ystem sites. Glob Health Action. 7:25365. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.25365.
- Sankoh, OA and Binka F. (2005). INDEPTH Network: a viable platform for the assessment of malaria risk in developing countries. In Takken, Martens and Bogers (eds), Environmental Change and Malaria Risk – Global and Local Implications. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
- Setel PW, Sankoh O, Rao C, Velkoff VA, Mathers C, Gonghuan Y, Jha P, Sethi RC, Hemed Y and Lopez A (2005). Sample Registration of Vital Events with Verbal Autopsy: Innovative Approaches to Measuring and Monitoring Vital Statistics. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83(8):611-7
- Sankoh OA, Kynast-Wolf G, Kouyate B, Becher H. (2003). Patterns of adult and old-age mortality in rural Burkina Faso. Journal of Public Health Medicine Dec; 25(4):372-6
- Gynast-Woff G, Sankoh OA, Kouyaté B, Sauerborn R and Becher H (2002). Mortality Patterns 1993-1998 in a rural area in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Tropical Medicine and International Health 7:349-356.
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