Category Member HDSSs Asia


India, Population: 90 639 website KEM Hospital Research Centre (KEMHRC) Vadu Rural Health Program (VRHP) functions with a mission “to Provide evidence-based, sustainable and rational health care solutions for the rural population using globally relevant community-based ethical research” is a division…

Matlab HDSS

Bangladesh, Population: 225 000 website ICDDR,B Matlab HDSS was established in 1966, following a population census conducted by Cholera Research Laboratory. Since then, the Matlab HDSS has maintained the registration of births, deaths, and migrations, in addition to carrying out periodical…

Ballabgarh HDSS

India, Population: 90 240 Profile All India Institute of Medical Sciences The Ballabgarh Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS), also known as the Comprehensive Rural Health Services Project (CRHSP) Ballabgarh, is located in north India and was established in 1961 to…