Upcoming HDSSs site
Upcoming HDSSs site
Kenya, Population: 182 000 Profile Kenya Medical Research Institute/CDC NYANDO HEALTH AND DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEILLANCE SITE (NHDSS) AHERO CLINICAL TRIALS UNIT, KISUMU-KENYALOCATION AND PROFILE The Nyando HDSS site is located in Nyando Sub- County, Kisumu County. The sub-county covers an area of…
Ghana, Population: 266 000 website NAVRONGO HEALTH AND DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEILLANCE SITE (NHDSS)NAVRONGO HEALTH RESEARCH CENTRE, GHANA The Navrongo Health and Demographic Surveillance System (NHDSS) site is located in the Kassena-Nankana District of the Upper East region of Ghana. The district covers…
Burkina Faso, Population: 66 508 website National institutes of medical research, IRSS, Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro (CRUN) MRC, Agogo, is located in Agogo within the Asante Akim North District of Ghana, MRC extends its reach tocover the Asante Akim Central…
Mozambique, Population: 129 485 website MANHIÇA HEALTH AND DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEILLANCE SITE (MHDSS) MANHIÇA HEALTH RESEARCH CENTRE / MANHIÇA FOUNDATION The Manhic¸a Health Research Centre, established in 1996 in a rural area of southern Mozambique, currently follows around 92 000 individuals living…
Kenya, Population: 184 222 Profile KEMRI/Walter Reed Project The Kombewa Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) grew out of the Kombewa Clinical Research Centre in 2007 and has since established itself as a platform for the conduct of regulated clinical trials, nested studies…
Ghana Population: 533 566 website KINTAMPO HEALTH AND DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEILLANCE SITE (KHDSS)KINTAMPO HEALTH RESEARCH CENTRE, GHANA KHRC is located in the middle belt of Ghana in the Bono East Region, covering an area of 22,952 km2. The region experiences distinct dry…
Senegal, Population: 40 286 website KEUR SOCE HDSS/ UNIVERSITY CHEIKH ANTA DIOP (UCAD) The Keur Soce HDSS covers 74 villages with an estimated total population of 40,286 inhabitants within 2759 households. The Site is located in a rural area in the region…
Uganda, Population: 101 499 IGANGA – MAYUGE (IMHDSS) MAKERERE UNIVERSITY CENTRE FOR HEALTH AND POPULATION RESEARCH (MUCHAP) The Makerere Centre for Health and Population Research IMHDSS covers a total population of 101,499. The Iganga Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (IMHDSS)…
Tanzania, Population: 120 000 website Ifakara Health Institute Situated in the heart of the Kilombero Valley in southeastern Tanzania, the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) stands as a beacon of research excellence, contributing significantly to the advancement of public health initiatives in the region.…