


Ghana, Population: 100,000 website KNUST-IVI COLLABORATING CENTRE AND DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEILLANCESITE (RESEARCH CENTRE FOR GLOBAL HEALTH) DSS POPULATION AND DEMOGRAPHICS: The KNUST-IVI Collaborative Centre (KICC) has a total population of about 100,000. About 60% of the population are in Agogo, the capital…

Health Systems

A consequence of the rapid, often complex changes taking place in patterns of disease and risk is a widening gap between population needs and the capacity of health systems to meet these. This is reflected in many countries’ weak performance…

Migration, Urbanisation & Health

This group seeks to examine the relationship between migration, health and poverty at nine INDEPTH member HDSSs with the aim of contributing to an empirical understanding of the dynamics between migration and health in Africa.  The Multi-Centre Analysis of Dynamics…

Environment & Health

Global environmental change has significant implications for human health, particularly in low-income settings. National and local indicators are needed to monitor the impacts of environmental changes on population health. HDSS sites provide the best longitudinal data for monitoring health in…


The Wellcome Trust, UK has published a press release on its website on the Studies of the Epidemiology of Epilepsy in Demographic Sites (SEEDS) conducted at INDEPTH member sites in Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Uganda and Tanzania. Ngugi AK et…


Title: Optimising the impact and cost-effectiveness of child health intervention programmes of vaccines and micronutrients in low-income countries Acronym: OPTIMUNISEContract/Grant agreement number: FP7-HEALTH-F3-2011-261375 EC contribution: 2.999.970 €Duration: 66 monthsStarting date: 01/03/2011 Third report: 01-03-2014 to 31-08-2015 Project context: Child health programmes in low-income countries are…


 The project seeks to use the unique position of the INDEPTH platform of health and demographic surveillance systems (HDSSs) in Africa and Asia to understand the impact of various health sector reforms on the population particularly the poor and vulnerable…


What is INTREC? The WHO’s Commission on Social Determinants of Health (SDH) argued in 2008 that the dramatic differences in health status that exist between and within countries are intimately linked with degrees of social disadvantage. These differences are unjust…

Annual Progress Reports 2009

Annual Progress Reports 2009 The past year seems to have gone by very fast almost like an hour, yet it is indeed a whole year and so soon it is time to reflect on one year post INDEPTH@10. Being an organisation that is so…
