Annual Audited Financial Reports

INDEPTH Network's Commitment to Financial Transparency and Accountability

The INDEPTH Network’s values include transparency and accountability in all our operations with our multiple stakeholders. We recognise the fact that proper handling of our finances (raised largely from development partners/funders) is critical to maintaining international credibility especially as we are based in Africa. Hence we subject our financial statements to rigorous reviews by internationally acclaimed audit companies. We are proud to state that we have never been issued a qualified audit opinion. In the following table, all our audited financial reports can be downloaded. These are published in our annual reports, presented to the General Assembly, and sent to all our funders.

INDEPTH Network's Commitment to Financial Transparency and Accountability

The INDEPTH Network’s values include transparency and accountability in all our operations with our multiple stakeholders. We recognise the fact that proper handling of our finances (raised largely from development partners/funders) is critical to maintaining international credibility especially as we are based in Africa. Hence we subject our financial statements to rigorous reviews by internationally acclaimed audit companies. We are proud to state that we have never been issued a qualified audit opinion. In the following table, all our audited financial reports can be downloaded. These are published in our annual reports, presented to the General Assembly, and sent to all our funders.

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