The INDEPTH standard population for low- and middle-income countries, 2013


Sankoh O, Sharrow D, Herbst K, Whiteson Kabudula C, Alam N, Kant S, Ravn H, Bhuiya A, Thi Vui L, Darikwa T, Gyapong M, Jasseh M, Chuc Thi Kim N, Abdullah S, Crampin A, Ojal J, Owusu-Agyei S, Odhiambo F, Urassa M, Streatfield K, Shimada M, Sacoor C, Beguy D, Derra K, Wak G, Delaunay V, Sie A, Soura A, Diallo D, Wilopo S, Masanja H, Bonfoh B, Phuanukoonnon S, Clark SJ.

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